
justIM launched to critical acclaim on ProductHunt and BetaList in late 2021, it provided an alternative social networking experience with ironclad security.

Seamless Communication, Unmatched Security

Conversations are safeguarded by industry standard end-to-end encryption, ensuring privacy is never compromised. Whether chatting one-on-one or engaging in group discussions, rest assured that messages are for the participant’s eyes only.

Capture and Share Moments

Capture life’s highlights with justIM’s intuitive Moments feature. Share images and videos with friends, either publicly or privately, and cherish the memories together. With just a tap, your moments become lasting memories.

Intelligent Content Moderation

Harnessing the power of AI, we ensured a safe and welcoming environment for all users. Our advanced content moderation tools proactively identify and filter out inappropriate content, keeping the experience enjoyable and worry-free.

Global Reach, Localized Experience

Embracing a truly global community with justIM was one of the main goals. With support for multiple language and RTL languages like Arabic, we cater to users across Europe, the Middle East, and the USA, fostering connections regardless of geographical boundaries.

Cutting-Edge Technology

Built with Flutter for iOS and Android, we delivered a seamless experience across platforms. Powered by a Hasura-based GraphQL engine with custom REST API extension and backed by PostgreSQL, our infrastructure ensured extreme reliability and scalability, even under high loads.

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